Karen Mitchell 8th June 2011

When I think about our younger days, It always makes me smile So I'll take this opportunity To take you there a while. Some would say we were different A bit like chalk & cheese While you was playing with your dolls I was climbing trees. Your make-up and lash curlers, Not a hair out of place, Me with my tangled locks And mucky hands and face. You liked to keep up with the trends, Wore hot-pants and midi skirts, I was mostly dressed in jeans; Old jumpers and ragged t-shirts. You liked to read the girly mags, Like Jackie and Pink. I liked watching tadpoles Swimming in the sink! Well maybe we were different You've got to agree it's true, But if we could choose our sisters, I know I'd have chosen you xxx Wouldn't have you any other way, Love you loads (even though you did try to saw my head off). Elaine, my beautiful, irreplaceable sister, you will be sadly miss, love you loads, Trish xxx